Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Under "socialist" President Obama's plan...

the wealthiest Americans would still pay less taxes than under Reagan, Nixon, or Eisenhower.

Why don't they want to pay even that much? Don't they want to give anything back to the country which provided them with the opportunity to work for or to inherit their wealth? When did naked greed become allied with religious people on the right? Something has gone crazy somewhere, IMHO.

Why doesn't anyone tell them to stop whining, like McCain's economic advisor told those of us who were affected by the recession early?

If you don't want desperately ill citizens like me dropping dead on your sidewalks...actually, in most cases, if you even want to have sidewalks...pay a reasonable amount of taxes proudly and assume the responsibilities of citizenhood. Creating every public good you use from scratch all by yourself would be prohibitively expensive even if there were no intangible benefits as well to being part of a community. It is stunning, IMHO, that this even needs to be said or explained. If one doesn't believe in what Jesus says in the New Testament, which is of course your right, what about what you should have learned in a basic civics class?

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